Smartest Solutions in Getting the Right Loans Without having a Job

Loans without pay checks are suitable for those who do not have a fixed salary. Be careful though! It does not mean that alternative guarantees are not needed

Personal loans without payroll are loans dedicated to those who do not have a fixed salary and, consequently, a paycheck. They mostly concern very small amounts (less than € 5,000) precisely because the banks are not willing to expose themselves too much to those with a higher risk profile due to the lack of a regular salary.

Be careful though! The fact that a personal loan can be granted in the absence of a pay slip does not mean that there is no need to present any guarantee, but that they need alternatives. Getting a loan without any guarantee is practically impossible. This is the option for you to get a Loan without job.

The same goes for protested subjects and bad payers: in this case, getting a loan without a pay slip is very difficult. In general, the higher your risk profile, the more guarantees the banks will want to have before granting you the loan.

Salaried employees with payroll already committed, because maybe they already have one or more loans in progress that absorb between 35% and 50% of their salary. In these cases it is like not having a paycheck.

Loans without payroll: alternative guarantees

To obtain a personal loan without a pay slip you will have to present alternative guarantees that will reassure the bank about your ability to repay the debt. Here are the most common ones:

Loans without payroll with the Guarantor

A Guarantor is a person who officially undertakes to pay the loan installments without pay in your place if you were no longer able. For your loan request to be accepted it is necessary that the Guarantor has a good credit rating and that it has not been reported to the CRIF as a bad payer. We remind you, however, that no bank is obliged to grant you a loan if you do not have a fixed income, even with a Guarantor willing to help you.

Loans without payroll receivables

In some cases, for those who have no other collateral to be presented, a loan can be granted without a fixed-term salary, that is, which provides for the payment of installments through bills of exchange. The bill of exchange is an enforceable title that establishes that, even in the event of non-payment of a single installment, the bank is authorized to foreclose your assets for a value equal to that of the unpaid installment without the need for a conviction sentence or a order for payment.

Many banks and financial institutions do not willingly grant loans for exchange:

This is because to seize the assets of the client in the event of insolvency involves a waste of time and energy not just.

Furthermore, the loans repurchased are not very convenient, since they have a rather high Global Annual Rate (TAEG) due to the high interest and the costs related to the insurance policy that the banks impose on the applicant.